Hybrid meetings with EasyConf Connect available for iPad

26 January 2021

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Hybrid meetings with EasyConf Connect available for iPad

EasyConf Connect is extending its feature set to include iPad compatibility. Now, council members can enjoy all the features for online conferencing and remote or hybrid participation on their Apple tablet device. For more information about the added value please continue the article.

EasyConf Connect for your council

With the introduction of EasyConf Connect earlier last year, there is now an online conferencing system available that meets all aspects that councils and their clerks consider important during their (council) meetings.

Special attention has been given to the following aspects:

  • Managed and structured discussions fully controlled by chairmen, secretary or clerk. Either from the room or from home.
  • Permanent full sorted mosaic view of all participants for quorum and voting monitoring. It makes remote voting part of your recording.
  • Securing metadata through your (paperless) meeting management system
  • Safe and well organized voting sessions. Individual and/or group speech times.
  • Streaming and optional recording of the active speaker and/or a mosaic of all participants during voting sessions.
  • Complete hybrid functionality, it fully integrates with your discussion system in your council chamber.
  • Secure encrypted data transport; EasyConf Connect is AV software and part of your AV system. You can arrange your own hosting. You control where the data is stored, privacy first!

In short: all aspects for which our software is already used in council chambers are now available for digital meetings too.

Hybrid or digital council meeting

Whether all council members are connected to the digital council meeting or back again in the council room when corona restrictions are lifted, the full feature set is always available. EasyConf Connect fully integrates with your existing discussion system, making seamless transitions through hybrid meetings possible.

All councils that already use our solutions for physical council meetings can now expand to have full online or hybrid meetings. We can provide a fitting and flexible solution for new customers as well.

With the release of our iPad app, fully controlled professional digital council meetings are within your reach.


If you would like to try our iPad app and/or want to get to know all our (latest) solutions, then we can invite you for a demo in our demo room. You can participate through your iPad or your Windows laptop. We are happy to show you the possibilities. Please contact sales@mvi-audiovisual.com.

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